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Customer Testimonials

Want to add your own testimonial, please get in touch with us!
Anton Gerner Furniture
“Exceptional service from Whitehill Tools as usual. Ordered from the UK Sunday night, delivered to me in Australia on Thursday morning”
Bird Cupps
"Ordered from Whitehill and got my items to the US very fast and I'm very pleased with what I got"
Will Woolley Joinery
“I massively enjoyed meeting the Whitehill gang at the QWood festival. Really good to see a passionate British company with proper values us little guys can relate to. Keep it coming Whitehill!”
Surrey Joinery
“New Tooling has arrived!! We’ve seen the rest and went to the best, Whitehill Tools. Fantastic service as always”
Walking on Wood
"We have just installed the blocks on the moulder machines and now we can groove and bevel at the same time,. I’m very pleased with it So a big thanks you!! Great customer service as well"
Bradshaw Joinery
“Really impressed with you guys and the custom block you made for me. Price by return of email, multiple cad drawings to hone the design and flawless manufacture. A huge thank you from here”